The one-on-one meeting system provides an excellent platform for Manager – Report interaction, feedback, review and planning work ahead for best results.

One-on-one Meeting system

The third stage of the QRM is where One-on-one meeting are held between a Team Leader and his / her one-up Manager to review the period's performance. These meetings are well structured, web based and follow an identical agenda every time which consists of five sections:

  1. An Overview of the period under discussion consisting of "Highlights", "Lowlights", "My Priorities" and "What I need from you". Time: 10 minutes
  2. A Review of the actions the meeting owner undertook to complete / make progress on at the previous meeting. Time: 10 minutes
  3. Balanced Scorecard: Populating and analysis of performance versus targets. Time: 20 minutes
  4. Projects: Analysis and current status of any projects being managed. Time: 10 minutes
  5. Future: Identification of actions to be taken during the next period to ensure targets are reached

The meeting is designed to take an hour or less, but requires the meeting owner to be well prepared beforehand with all the relevant data to populate these sections. These meetings will continue on a monthly basis until the end of the strategy cycle (which is normally 12 months – this is flexible).