When uploading an excel import you have an 'Access to the path x' error

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  Qsoar Installation And Configuration Guide ›› Qsoar Application Notes ›› When uploading an excel import you have an 'Access to the path x' error

This error occurs because theIIS_IUSRS group doesn't have permission to write or modify the contents of the App_Data\Uploads folder inside the application folder of Qsoar on the IIS system.  Typically this would be C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Qsoar\App_Data\uploads.

Navigate in ISS to the App_Data\uploads folder.  Right mouse click for 'Edit Permissions...'.  Select the security tab.  Scroll down to find IIS_IUSRS.  Click the 'Edit...'  button.  

Then scroll on Permissions of Uploads diaglog to IIS_IUSRS.  Tick the modify check box (this should also check the Write check box), and apply or press OK.  (In our example below the Qsoar site is named B3).