Copy the empty site configuration folder to the IIS wwwroot folder

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  Qsoar Installation And Configuration Guide ›› Installation ›› How to install Qsoar, for SIT, UAT and Production ›› Microsoft Server 2008 R2 SP1 ›› Copy the empty site configuration folder to the IIS wwwroot folder


Download from the Qsoar download area in the config section the default empty web site creation scripts zip file

This is a default configuration, the script will create three sites, a System Integration Test, User Acceptance Test, and Production database, named Qsoar_SIT, Qsoar_UAT and Qsoar_Prod respectively.


Unzip the into a new folder, and navigate to the new folder.  You should see three folders like this:

Select the folders, and copy them to the IIS c:\inetpub\wwwroot folder, or your organisations equivalent.  You will require administration permission.

When complete the folder should look (something) like this.